Hello! Yes it is that time again for new years resolutions! I try to do them every year and I like to look back and see how much of it I actually accomplished. 2010 has been a very good year and has been way better than 2009. I have grown a lot and I only have room for improvement so that's always my ultimate goal...growth. Goals for 2011
~Be healthier. (Eating better, going to bed earlier, exercising at least 2 times a week, etc.)
~Get our finances in order. (Back on the Dave Ramsey train!)
~Work on my relationship with God and improving my life as a Christian woman.
~Be a better friend, daughter, and sister.
~Write more.
~Take more photos.
~Find a job in my field of choice.
~Make our first year of marriage memorable, wonderful and special...so that the next 70 only get better!
I hope that in 12 months I can accomplish at least half of this list! I will refer to if often and not let this year be wasted because you never know when your last moment will be.
So yeah I haven't posted in quite some time. I had a VERY busy semester! I had three Journalism classes, an internship with the GV Lanthorn plus work and wedding planning. SO I had no time to blog for fun except for my wedding blog. I had a blog that I had to do for class three times a week called Entertainment For You. So if you have time and are bored check it out...http://lrh-entertainmentforyou.blogspot.com/. I don't know if I will be keeping it up though. I plan on doing a blog for my writing samples but I'll do that after this week which is FINALS! Oh yeah I have two exams and one more article due and that's it. I can honestly say that juggling this semester was hard but I got through it with some counseling, prayer, and my honey. I'll be back to my regularly blogging self agian until January when our next semester starts! Four classes, another internship, wedding and part-time employment...Gotta Love it! Haha! At least next April I will be done with school...for a while anyway. Maybe I'll pay off some loans and go to grad school someday but who knows. Looking forward to 2011 for many reasons but I can only pray that God will continue to bless me. Until next time!
So my last blog post was a bit depressing sorry about that...if anyone read it. But I decided to make use of my tuition and I visited the counseling center today about my anger. I think it went well. My therapist wanted me to go through my life and experiences and talk about what was going on with me and I've never talked to someone with an unbiased opinion and you know what? It was really nice. I got to unload and say things I needed to say. So I scheduled two more appts. I'm looking forward to them because I feel as though I need this to help me with my heavy load and to distress and focus. I had my community reporting class...not my favorite and I got back another "D" on an assignment...not happy. these are the worst grades of my college career! I have now idea what to do. The class is tough and it demands a lot of us and I just hope I don't burn out! I want to do better so I'm trying to get the best story I can for my first one. Hopefully I can bounce back... So as soon as I feel a bit of relief another thing comes up. Dear God please help me because I'm nervous. I need to get back on daily devotionals and pray that God pulls me through!
I probably shouldn't be writing this for the world to see but with the way I'm feeling I need to get things out before I explode. Since the semester has began I feel more angry and have been very irritable. I'm sure it's due to my hefty plate: school, work, internship, wedding... it's a lot to deal with and I was thinking of doing dance too! SMH! Lately though, after getting feedback from professors and my editor I have been feeling inadequate as a writer. As if I'm not really cut out for this journalism thing. Last year I was great, my articles were good and I got commended by my professors. But after one summer I suck ass...I'm just emotional in general it seems. I think it boils down to me not being happy with how my life is going right now...things are up in the air and I have no control. I feel as though I'm not being listened to or as if what i say has no meaning to people. Some people can act as if things I ask of them is too much or unimportant to them. I guess...I'm starting to really think it's a "ME" problem. There has to be something wrong with me. I can't imagine that's it's everyone else around me causing me distress but I don't know what the problem is. I took a screening test last nigh online and it said I have symptoms of general anxiety disorder which explains a lot but how do I fix that? How can I fix my brain? I always thought that the life I had only made me a stronger person but it seems that it made me mentally ill. I have been through so much and no matter how much I say it didn't effect me it must have and I HATE that it did. Maybe that's why I'm so angry, hell if I know. If anyone reads this, thanks. If anyone comments, thanks.
So this past week was our first week of school. It was interesting...to say the least. I am taking 3 classes this semester and an internship at the Lanthorn (GVSU school paper). I'm excited, overwhelmed, and anxious about the next few months. It will be a lot of planning and praying to make it through since I'm getting married in 5 months too! Busy, busy, busy and somewhere in between I have to have a social life! LOL! Well it is what it is! I asked for it and I'm getting it! But I know I can accomplish all things through God, (yeah, yeah sorry if you don't feel the same but I do!), and good planning. I already had a story due and an assignment for the paper. this week is Labor day so only half week, but still two stories due for the paper, reading assignments, etc. and our parents (moms) are meeting this weekend!
So I thought a follow-up on life back at home since I left the UK. Well it's been two weeks and it been an experience to get myself back together! It took a week just to get my mind back on track. I was in a haze. Everything was foggy and jumbled and I couldn't get my thoughts together, forgetting things and still suffering from jet lag I suppose. That was another thing I had to readjust to...5 hour time change! I was tired all the time and took a lot of naps. By week 2 I had gotten back into my daily routine work, work, work! Lol! I also got back on track on planning my wedding which is only 6 months away! I have been asked a hundred times how my trip was and I've narrowed it down to "It was interesting." Which it was but I only go into detail to those who truly want to know about my trip. There's A LOT to talk about! I also wanted to tell you my TOP 5 THINGS ABOUT ENGLAND: 5. Public Transportation- Even though sometimes it was crowded the public trans was fun and a great addition to the trip. We got to travel all over using trains, buses, and the Underground with our travelcards. 4. Pubs- I really wnjoyed going to the local pubs with my friends and having good times! 3. Flats- I loved having a community of people who were so close and tight that it made being away from home easier than I expected! I made some life long friends :) 2. 1/2 off dinners at the Black Lion- Every Monday I got to go to the Black Lion for 1/2 off steak dinner which was AMAZING! Service wasn't always great but the food never failed me! 1. CIDER!!!- I hadn't been drinking for a while but I have been introduced to cider, beer made from apples instead of wheat, and it is sooo GOOD! Much better than regular beer! I drank it almost everyday! LOL! But seriously I was over excited when I found it here in Michigan! Lol!
Well I needed to write and I thought this would be a great subject :) Until next time!
First I have to recognize how blessed I am that this trip was even possible for me. I have an amazing experience with amazing people who have become amazing friends. My final week in London I went to Freud's house with my Creative Writing class, a Sikh Temple with my Brit culture class, and photographed London at night.
Freud's House was interesting. I got to see his study and watch some of his home movies. The coolest part was this 15-year-old dog named Bobby who lived there. He was a sweet old dog.
The Sikh Temple was an experience. It was an intersting place and the religion was different. We had to wear scarves on our heads and wash our hands before entering. We had pudding which was made with water, sugar, oatmeal and fire. :) I wouldn't convert but it was nice to expersience something new and eat some tasty Indian food! I went to the club on Wednesday which wasn't as fun as I hoped but oh well I went with friends.
On Thursday was our Farewell Dinner and we got to see everyone dressed to impress. It was a unique menu but it had potential to be better. It was a great end to a wonderful month. We ended the night at Coronation Hall. Good Times with Good people. For my final night in London I decided not to sleep since I had to leave at 3:00am. I went to dinner with the girls and while the rest went to Hippodrome me, Ashley, and Natalie wandered around downtown London so I could take pictures. It was amazing! I had a great night!
Saying goodbyes and see ya laters was hard. I almost made it through without crying until Ashleigh hugged me crying and I saw Courtney...I lost it! LOL after about 30sec I composed myself and I got packed up in the taxi and on to the airport. Being home is kinda surreal. Realizing the differences and getting back into routines. It's crazy but I'm glad I went. So many stories, experiences and friends. :)
So here's my recap of my third week in England: Last weekend we got to go to two of the nightclubs here in Kingston. On Friday we went to Ama-gi (which we were mispronouncing until a nice Englishman corrected us!)Which had glow sticks and uv lights. It was a blast and we got to take a free shot out the ice luge! lol! The music was great but near the end some English guys got to frisky with a few of the girls and we left :(. On Saturday we went to Hippodrome in Kingston. This is the first time I stayed at a club from open to close! It was so much fun! The first 100 people were free so me and the girls got there early. It has 3 different rooms playing different music but we stayed in the main room since that's where they played more American music. I got to see some Englihmen who could really dance and who saved me from a creeper! It was so fun! We spent Sunday doing homework and feeding the Queen's Swans :) On Monday I went to Stonehenge and the city of Bath. It was an amazing experience! Stonehenge is pretty cool but we were there for an hour which was more than enough time. But I did get some tasty ice cream while we were there at 10am! The city of Bath is were one of the world natural springs exist. It was cool to learn about how they were discovered and how the Romans knew how to use them and show the town. They still use the water but in a more sterile environment. The Roman baths haven't been used for years and the water is green and untreated. Wednesday was a LONG day but I'm happy about it. We went to Parliament but we couldn't take pics inside. Our tour guide was a blast and kept us entertain. We got to see the House of Lords and he told us how they work which is crazy! He also told us some crazy trivia about the paintings and parts of the building. We also went to Greenwich which is the center of the world! So we got to see the Queens House (Queen Anne I believe) and got to go to the Prime Meridian and stand in both the East and West at once! Then we ended our day at the Globe theater 9created by Shakespeare) and go to see the comedy of Errors which was hilarious! It didn't even matter that we had to stand for a few hours especially since we were on the stage :P
Thursday my creative writing class went to Highgate Cemetery were a few famous authors and philosophers were buried. it was interesting to see such old graves. I had an encounter with a very rude Englishwoman but it's okay. That night we went out to one of our local pubs and hung out since majority of people left for Paris this weekend...I wish I could have went but it's ok I will some day with my hubby :) This weekend is the last one here in England so me and a couple friends plan on making the best of it...and I'll get the last bit of homework done! :P Next time my fourth and final week in England and final thoughts stay tuned...
So this weekend the university is doing maintenance so I'll be without internet so I decided to post now about my second week.
Well so far so good. Although my legs feel as if they're going to fall off! I'm not use to so much walking on top of field trips and buildings with so many stairs!Tuesday my class was canceled so I got to finish my book "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" (I got to see Eclipse over the past weekend!)Wednesday I got to go t Oxford and see the famous Oxford University! It's actually compiled of 38 different colleges and they don't have class but personal tutors and the student is left to their studies. Oxford is also a major part of the Harry Potter film set. The Christ Church college is where they film the great dining hall scenes! They also use one of the libraries for the library at Hogwarts and the same building is used as the nurse's ward in the film. Oxford also is the birthplace of Alice in Wonderland. :) Lewis Carroll aka Charles Dodgson wrote the story about the dean's daughter and many of the elements of the book are based on her family and the university. Which I thought was really cool. The bus ride back was horrible. It took 3 hours because of traffic and a girl peed in a bag because "it was an emergency" disgusting! Today my creative writing class gave me the chance to visit Soho which is full of people and shopping. I got to see a Sally Man exhibit in which I was to inspired to write. It kinda happened. :P This week was kinda chill for me but I have met some great friends and it will be sad when we have to say goodbye in just two mere weeks. Tomorrow we're going out to this nightclub in Kingston called Ama-gi, they have glow paint and glow sticks and it seems pretty cool. It will probably be one of the last times we get everyone together for a night out! Until week 3, Ly
So this weekend while many of my new friends were in Scotland I was doing homework. Well for my creative writing class we had to do a poem and a short story. I'll wait to post the story but here are the poems I wrote using some writing cues she gave in class. The first one I had to write a 10 line poem where each line is a lie, the second each line had to begin "I used to___, but now___" and the third had to begin "This isn't a poem but..." So here they are enjoy! I know I am!
Liar, liar pants on fire
1. When I was six I ate three goldfish. 2. My father invented M&M’s. 3. My sister had a tail removed at birth. 4. I lived in Nova Scotia. 5. My favorite food is marshmallows with anchovies. 6. I’ve never been in love. 7. One day I cried over lost play dough. 8. I never met a person I didn’t like. 9. I was attacked by pigeons. 10. I hate writing and love math.
When I use to…
I used to cry, but now I laugh. I used to run, but now I walk. I used to crawl, but now I stand. I used to think, but now I dream.
Not a poem
This isn’t a poem, but a story of a girl not afraid to live, to love, to learn, to dream, to experience.
So it's been crazy since I got here! I've been busy everyday! Classes, field trips and pubs. Last weekend I went out to Windsor Castle with some new friends which is cool because that's one of the places the royal family lives. It's crazy that I got to stand in the same place as the Queen of England! Wow! It was amazing to see and very beautiful. I also go to go to Hampton Court Palace where Henry VIII lived along with the Tudors (which I still don't understand what that is) it was very cool to see where he lived with his six wives including Anne Boleyn mother of Elizabeth I. It was another large estate and had pretty amazing chimneys! This country is full of history and it's crazy! I also feel like it was made for a shorty like me because everything is smaller here: the houses, streets, cars! My classes are going ok also. My creative writing class is living up to it's name and our professor, Anna is making sure we have plenty of pieces when we go home. My brit culture class is fun because we go on a lot of trips and he tries to make it enjoyable. Going to Oxford this Wednesday! I'm becoming more comfortable with the transportation system: the trains, the Tube and buses which is nice. I'll definitely miss that when I go back to the US! We've also gotten lucky with the weather. NO RAIN! It's been really hot since we've been here which is okay because I didn't pack to well for rain! ANOTHER THING: I don't think I've walked more in my life than here in England! That's all we do! I'm hoping to be in great shape by the time I return! So so far so good. New friends, new experiences, oh and I am getting over a cold or Whooping cough I have no idea!
So yesterday was my first day of classes at Kingston. I think I'm going to like them especially since I'll be out of the classroom 90% of the time! I'm taking Brit culture & society and creative writing (which I have homework for!) I am excited to see what the future holds! My first trip is to Hampton Court Palace on Monday!
So yesterday was my first day at Kingston. I was feeling as if it was still a dream in my head; I couldn't believe I was in another country! Everyone was really nice, we got our room assignments and I met my roommates: John from New Jersey, Kristen from Michigan(she goes to my school at home too!), and Robbie from North Carolina. We have another roommate but she doesn't get here until later today, her name is Courtney. We had lunch and came back to unpack and organize our rooms. Each of us have our own bathroom and bedroom we just share a kitchen. We got to go on a non-formal tour of the town where we got to pick up groceries which was cool. I spent too much I'm sure! I'm excited to start classes tomorrow! Today is our official orientation so I'm off to do that!
So it's been a a while since my last post. I haven't had much going on in the world of writing since classes ended. (I got all B's by the way) I also have gotten a bit discourage due to the lack of reading. Maybe if I was a DIY blog or something more interesting than an artistic outlet more people would read, but anyway, I digress. My life has been pretty plain Jane-work, work, work. I'm going to be studying abroad in less than 2 weeks in England for 5 weeks. That's a big thing for me but surprisingly the excitement has worn off. I guess after the struggle to get it all put together I lost my gusto. I feel the same way about our wedding. I want to get things done but can because I don't have everything I need or because of the almighty dollar (better yet the lack of) which is frustrating. I also cut my hair so that's a new adventure for me as well. I'm proud of myself for that and I've gotten a lot of compliments too which is nice. I've really been feeling a bit indifferent about my life the past few days and it may be linked to the past few weeks. Having financial issues, finding out who I can really call friends and depend on, my trip, my family...everything has been so much but not all at the same time. I'm just trying to stay faithful in God through all of this which is hard when there are so many things that go through my mind. If I had this, if I had that, etc. It's tiresome I tell ya! But I must admit I've been blessed because of my devotion and faith which only strengths it. I don't know how to feel right now and that's got Meech worried but I don't know what to say. I'm going through some mixed emotions and I don't know what to do. I'm not feeling motivated, excited, anything but tired, fat, and bored...and I don't know what to do about it...
So today is the last day of classes for me. Next week-FINALS...sn:I despise finals. As the semester closes I think I should got back to my first blog and review the courses I took this semester.
CJR 316 (Editing)- We meet in the preforming arts building (odd) and I thought I wouldn't like the prof or the class but here I am pleasantly surprised that it went better than expected. Me and prof are on pretty good terms. In fact, he helped me put together my schedule for next year when my adviser was MIA. I had some bumps along the way but as of right now I have a "B" in the class which I will admit I had to work for.
CJR 270 (News Reporting II)- I was excited to have a Black prof that wasn't teaching a African American studies class but this soon changed when I got a grasp on her teaching method or rather lack there of. I learned nothing in this class because she taught nothing in this class at least nothing I hadn't already learned in News I. She never handed our articles back in a timely manner and her feedback left much to be desired. I couldn't stand this class for that reason. She always had typed notes but never posted them online or handed them out. She never explained a story before assigning it but always manged to do so the day we were handing it in which was just a$$ backwards to me! I could have done a lot more with my hour and 15 mins spent in this class. I have no idea where I stand in this class so we'll just say a "B."
CJR 290 (Journalism History)- Now in the beginning of the semester I knew for a fact that this class would be the toughest for me just because I DON'T LIKE HISTORY! I find it very boring most of the time. I do like to learn how things work or get started but I don't like to listen to it in a blah PowerPoint presentation by a South Korean prof who sounds as if he has a mouth full every time. Nothing against him and I guess his English is decent for only being here since 2004 but man it was like an hour and 15mins of me zoning out every Tuesday and Thursday. What makes it worst is that HE KNEW HE WAS BORING! But didn't change up his lecture style to compensate. the class may have been more interested if the material was presented differently. Last semester I had a 8:30am class and it was so engaging you felt guilty if you missed it! But anyway he was a easy grader and I have another "B" to add to the report card.
CJR 364 (Article/Feature Writing)- As predicted it was my favorite class of the semester. It taught me about myself as a journalist...I'm a feature writer! I like the human interest stories something I can be creative with and paint pictures with. I loved writing for this class. The prof was awesome! He always made sure we understood the story idea before hand giving us plenty of examples and letting us be creative. It was always a class discussion and even though he gave us a lot of information I know it will aid us in the long run. He even wrote me a letter of recommendation for a scholarship and it was the most heartfelt letter I've ever read! I do believe I will be getting an "A" in this course! :D
Overall I've learned a few things about journalism and writing from this semester: 1) AP style is way easier than MLA, APA, Chicago style, etc. 2) People REALLY don't like talking to reporters even if you are a student! 3) When looking for easy sources, friends CAN and WILL fail you by not responding even though they're on FB! 4) Organization and good questions will get you far or threaten your story.
I still will be a journalist and combine it with my photography because I like to write and photograph so why not do both! Next year will be my last but that means 2 degrees in 6 years which isn't too bad. I will be interning at the school paper, the Lanthorn :) and I will be studying abroad this summer to the UK for the month of July. There are still plenty of chances to write, photograph and experience, I plan on taking them all!
I may have blogged about this topic before but it seems to be one that revolves my life right now.
I'm sure many of us had a moment were we felt alone even though we have so many "friends" but really... most of the time we have "people" who are sometimes in our lives. Let me explain...
I have come to find that we put the label of "friend" on people just because we see them on a regular basis. Not because they came to pick you up from jail, or gave you money without expecting return; nope it's because we talk to them about classes or random trivial things that impact our lives. These are "people" not "friends" I have come to a realization in my own personal life, I have many "people" that are in my life but only a few friends. Those I consider to be my true friends are more like family to me, they understand me and have been there for me in dark times and still love me, still do for me without question. I consider myself to be a good friend when given the opportunity. I am there for people when they need me, to listen, aid, for anything but I don't get that from a lot of people. I've gotten forgotten, placed on the back burner, or simply dissed! I have been walked on a lot in my short 23 years and I can't seem to find a way to get up...how is it I'm so giving yet it's not reciprocated? Maybe it's as Jesus was, taken for granted, misused, abused, and left for dead. Only difference is I am human and he's the son of God. I advise that we be cautious of who you call "friend" take time to review what they have done to earn that title.
I recently applied for a few scholarships so I can get enough money to study abroad this summer. For on particular essay I got my creative juices flowing and came up with this:
The Positive Black Woman Scholarship Essay: How will I benefit from this scholarship?
Life is full of experiences. Good, bad, unique. These experiences shape and mold us into the individuals we become. Experiences are what give people character and form our views on the world. Experience is life and life is experience. In my life I have had the opportunity to experience a lot. I have been on television, the radio, and in the newspaper of my hometown Detroit, MI. I attended college and graduated in four years with a B.A. in photography. I recently started my own freelance photography business and I am currently working on my second B.A. in journalism. I decided that I want to have a new experience; I would like to study abroad. In January, I was accepted into the study abroad program at Grand Valley. I am on my way to studying in the United Kingdom for six weeks this summer. This is where your scholarship comes in. The current cost to study abroad at Kingston University for the summer is $6,745. I have been blessed with $3,750 in financial aid but, as you can see, there is a small discrepancy. I am still in need of $3,000 for the program, in addition to expenses for extracurricular activities such as cuisine and weekend trips, further enriching my experience on this journey abroad. I would benefit greatly from this scholarship, not matter what the amount. This scholarship is a stepping stone to my newest experience. Studying abroad is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. Although I did grow up in the best financial state, I have the desire to better myself and gain the most from my education as much as possible. With this scholarship I have the chance to learn about a country in that country, I will be one step closer to graduating with another degree coming closer to my goal to become a photojournalist. I am a hardworking, self-motivated, empowered African American woman who wants to experience as much as I can while I can. I do not want to look back on my life and be disappointed that I never tried to reach my goals and desires. I want to say I traveled the world, I learned as much as I could make my brain take in, I have lived and experienced the best life has to offer. With your help, I can do these this. I can experience life.
This is a column I wrote for my news reporting 2 class. It's was a commentary so I chose to write about Disney's "The Princess and The Frog" I enjoyed the film but it rose a lot of controversy that I felt was unnecessary.
It’s been almost two months since Disney’s “The Princess and the Frog,” featuring Disney’s first ever African American princess, debuted in theaters. When I saw the preview for the film last summer I was excited, finally a princess to represent the little black girls of the world, but not everyone was as thrilled as I was. After the preview was released, controversy came from all over. Some didn’t like the idea of a black princess and some didn’t like the idea of an ambiguously raced prince. I was raised to not truly care about race, why should it matter? I recently had the pleasure of seeing the film with my fiance and we enjoyed everything about the film. It had great music, animation and story. On opening weekend the film grossed $25,208,916, and has been nominated for 10 various awards, including Best Animated Feature. It was an entertaining and light-hearted romance with music and great characters. I can understand not liking a movie because of a bad plot or animation, but because of race? That is ridiculous! Why is a giving a black child hope that their dreams can come true so bad? To teach them that true love exists for them too? What is the big deal? Many people were also upset that the prince wasn’t Black but, from what I saw, he wasn’t White either; he was from a fictional the country Maldonia and voiced by a Brazilian actor. Again I can’t understand why it raised such contest from the public. In the U.S., aka “the Melting Pot”, interracial relationships are everywhere, from Black and White to Black and Asian. So why is it a problem that Disney portrayed our culture as they see it? Don’t we teach children to not discriminate others based on skin color? Aren’t we are all equal and God’s children? Love is love, haven’t we fought for this in the past? That we have the right to love anyone no matter gender or color? The film had many powerful messages that I think work for all children no matter what color, that hard work and fun have to work together, family is important, love has no boundaries and what you want isn’t always what you need. It also took the audience back to a time when New Orleans was a hot spot for entertainment and opportunity, the birth place of jazz. It showed children what New Orleans was like before Hurricane Katrina. This movie is another step for African American culture, another first in Black History; we should be proud and overjoyed that times have truly changed from those of our grandparents. Acceptance is growing but people are still find things to complain about. First there’s not enough positive representation of African Americans in the media, now they can’t have interracial relationships because it shows that little Black boys can’t be princes’. Why nitpick at the minor details? Why argue when there’s nothing to truly argue about? The fact that this controversy is over a children’s movie is what is the most troubling. Children learn from their parents, families and friends, if they see them placing an emphasis on race why wouldn’t they? Then a vicious cycle begins of hate and discrimination because of race, something we’ve been battling for decades! Why keep that cycle going? The movie was a great step back to classic Disney and I hope they do more. As for the controversy, save it, it’s a new day and age, we even have a bi-racial president. I salute Disney for taking the initiative, before Obama by the way, to develop a movie that reached another demographic and showed that a princess can be any color.
I find that the question "What if?" comes many times in our lives. "What if I never met this person?" or "What if I chose to do this differently?" I can admit I've had my fair share of "What If's" My life has been a road of poorly thought out decisions and I always wonder "What if?" At 23 I'm making much better ones, I just wish I had a reality check a long time ago. It's tough living with some of the decisions I've made and I can't help but think: What if I had spoken up? Ran away screaming? What if I had waited? Was it really that hard? What if I didn't go with her that night? What if I told him no? What if I stayed? What if I listened?
I have many things that I regret doing and not doing, things that hurt others and myself. I always say I wish I had a time machine but who knows, it probably would be like the Butterfly Effect with Ashton Kutcher, nothing would be as it should and I would always get the short end of the stick. Life is compiled of so many experiences both good and bad. I've had some terrible ones and I pray to God that there's only good ones ahead.
With V-day a mere five days away I felt it only right to write about the subject of LOVE. Now I won’t say I’m an expert but I’ve had my fair share of relationships, hook-ups, and “friends” so I know a little. I’m not here to bash love or rub it in the single peoples face. I just want to open a discussion. When it comes to love many people don’t seem to differentiate between loving someone and being in love with someone. In my opinion, and I think many will agree, that these are two very different things. Let me elaborate.
To “love” someone: This means that you care for someone very much and wouldn’t want to see or do anything to hurt them. You will be there for that person in their times of need, you will go out of your way for this person, you genuinely want to be a part of their life and have them be a part of yours. This is a person you keep in the know about your life goings-ons and are excited to tell them or hear about theirs. You may call or see this person on a regular basis and spend many hours in their presence. You can love friends, family, and beaus.
To be “in love” with someone: This has all the things of loving someone but there are some major additions. Being in love is wanting to live, eat, and breathe this person everyday for the rest of eternity. You can’t see your life without this person. Now don’t confuse being afraid of being alone with afraid of losing this person, that’s not what I mean. This person is the only person you could ever hope to spend the rest of your life with. There’s no “I love you, BUT…” when it comes to this person. This is the person you will lay your life down for, the one you’d take a bullet for. This person makes you feel whole. You love EVERYTHING about this person: how they look, talk, dress, smell, smile, think, dance, sing (even if it’s bad!), and even their quirks. Being in love with someone is having your senses overtaken by this person. Every time you think, eat, breath, smell, talk, etc. that person is on your mind. You find yourself wondering what can you do or say to make this person’s day. You never want to see this person hurt or upset and if it’s your fault you make sure you fix it immediately, because when their hurt your hurt because their heart is your heart. And don’t forget they may not always be what you wanted but they’re exactly what you needed!
See how different the two really are? Like I said before they have their similarities but the differences are HUGE. So the next time you find yourself in a serious relationship or even if you’re in one now, ask yourself these questions really decide whether you love the one you’re with or are you in love with them. Hey you two may be at the same level which is great but trouble comes when one is “in love” and one just “loves” so be careful with how you handle someones heart. Because you never want to be on the other end, it’s painful.
I felt the need to write, so I won't deny myself the pleasure! I have been a pretty busy DIY bride lately. Sometimes I get bit by the creativity bug and there's no stopping me! I've made boutonnieres, bouquets, a rose-ball, hairpiece, tote bags, and ring pillow. I know our wedding is far (almost a year)but I can't help being excited. I blame part of it on the fact that I'm not working or hanging out with "friends", a word I'm using loosely these days. All this free time is causing me to find other outlets for my energy (not forgetting school work of course). I realized that when I need people they're no where to be found. I'm left hearing about club outings, movies, etc. without a mention of trying to call and invite me. I was upset at first, if we're "friends" why not invite me at the very least? But after I talked to my mom she made me take a step back and really see the bigger picture. God may have given me this time to get ahead in my wedding plans, focus on school, Him, and my fiancee. My mom even said that I was her BFF which was good to hear. I have made it a point to not worry about what I can't control and to live my life with God in it, as well as love and those who truly want to be a part of it. As I said in a recent facebook status, "[I'm]learning that God is the best friend I can have! He's there whenever I need him, I can talk to him when no one else can/will, He's always in my corner no matter what I say or do...who could ask for a better friend? I can't!" This is something I can look to when I'm upset and no one answers their phone or is available to talk or too busy. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I don't need or want friends but I'm not stressing over what they are/ are not including me in. People will do what they want, with who they want, point blank. I'm more focused on my life and what God has blessed me with, love, time, experience, creativity, and life. I think this is all for now...be blessed and highly favored.
So Lifetime premiered a new movie, The Pregnancy Pact, which is about a high school with a wave of teen pregnancies. The girls planned to get pregnant causing mass chaos and a great debate between the school nurse and parents. In my high school we had a lot of girls who had children but I don't think any of them did it on purpose, poor planning or choices but not on purpose. Now I can't for the life of me understand why any teenage girl would want the responsibility of having to care for another human being. In the movie (I'm only 1/2hr in) the main girls seem clueless to what is going on and the magnitude of their choices. they are tricking the fathers of their children into getting them pregnant and could care less of they are a part of the child's life. They were excited to be pregnant and talked about having a girl so they could dress alike and have their own personal BFF. Excuse me but WTF? What is our world coming too when a teenager feels they need to have a baby to have unconditional love and attention? Shouldn't they be getting this from their family? Friends? Why is that a baby is the answer? Even now I now more people than I can count on both my hands and toes who have children who aren't married or established. What ever happened to love, then marriage, then the baby carriage? Is that too conventional, to traditional?
Empty, Emotionless, A shell, void of anything worth feeling, As soon as I find joy or happiness it drains from me like an emptying sink, I can't get a grip on my feelings, They keep slipping away from me, Leaving feeling like a zombie, Wishing I could turn back the hands of time, Change the past so that I could be what I use to be, Happy, Joyful, Interesting, Fulfilling, Exciting, I want to be lighter, I'm so heavy now, My spirit seems broken, I can figure it out, I pray, I cry, I scream, I think, I write, Nothing has changed, I don't know how to say this out loud, Without pain, Without tears, Without frustration, I feel neglected, I feel unheard, I feel invisible, I feel alone, I don't know why I try, I know I won't give up, not yet, But I don't know how much more I can take, Before I finally break, I'm tired, So tired, and empty...
By: Lyanna Hampton
This poem sums up how the past year and now has left me feeling. I try and try everyday to overcome the negative thoughts that I feel but I don't know.
Have you ever wondered how you got to the point you're at? I have. At this point in my life I feel that I hit my height and that's a scary feeling. I'm nervous that what I expect to happen and what will happen are complete opposites. I know as a Christian I'm suppose to believe that through God all things are possible. I do but I can't shake the feeling that I'm missing something great. I guess I feel that things in my life are slowing down and not in a good way. I'm engaged, which is great, but after we moved the date back I've been feeling a bit down, maybe even lifeless about everything. One of my best friends says I feel this way because I had my hopes crushed and don't want to get hurt again, she may be right. It meant a lot to me and I guess I'm disappointed. It was a wedding buzz killer. Then i feel like I don't hang out with anyone anymore and all I do is sit on my computer and browse wedding sites or facebook. People are just too damn unattainable! What am I suppose to do about it? My closest friends live on the East side of the state and I'm on the West. If I try to hang with friends out here they're always too busy. Not to mention I don't have a job! I quit my job for one that was seasonal thinking my experience would save my ass...NOPE! So no money to do anything which sucks because I haven't been jobless in years! I guess it boils down to my self-worth and it not being very high. I'm not use to doing nothing, all this free time, or being sick/injured. I don't like being dependent on others because I couldn't do that when I was younger. I just pray everyday for strength, courage, wisdom, and knowledge so that what I aspire to be can one day be a reality. Sorry for the depressing post but I just needed to talk.
This is my first assignment of the semester, a memoir. This is a true event and I'm surprised at how much I remembered, so tell me what you think.
I’ve never had surgery, I’ve never broken a bone in my entire 23 years of life, but, I have gotten stitches.
I was around 8 years old; it was a mild summer morning on my block in Detroit, MI. I remember not having school so I think it was the start of my summer break. I had few friends since my family moved a lot. My mom was in and out of jail, same crime different time and had a minor problem with drugs.
We went off down our block of large brick houses, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. We were near the end of the block when Linda ran over a something in the street; she panicked and immediately slammed on the brakes of her bike. It all happened in a blur, I remember flying for what seemed like forever, I stretched out my small arms to brace myself for the fast approaching concrete, suddenly there was a massive pressure on my back slamming me into the street and sliding me about a foot on my face. Linda had fallen off her bike and landed right on me causing the impact to be worst. As I laid there she scrambled to her feet and all I could hear was her screaming “My hands! My hands! I cut my hands!” Next thing I hear was Linda grabbing her bike and taking off down the street. My cousin ran to see if I was okay and help me to my feet. By this point my eyes are filled with hot tears as the pain of my accident hits me full force. It feels like my face is on fire as the mixture gravel and tears sting the wound on my cheeks and chin. She exclaims “Oh my God! Lyanna you’re bleeding!” she then takes her hand to catch the blood gushing from my mouth and walks me back down the street to my home. All the way she kept repeating, “Oh my God auntie Shell is gonna kill Linda! Your face is messed up!” I couldn’t see past my tears I could only focus on the pain, the salty taste of blood in my mouth and how I got blood on my favorite Lion King t-shirt.
When we got to my house, a two family flat, my cousin shouted up the stairs, “Auntie Shell, Auntie Shell! Lyanna got hurt! She’s bleeding!” My mom opened the door to our apartment and I will never forget the words she said, “Oh well, shit happens.” My cousin helped me climb our stairs and my mother sent her home. My mother took me to the kitchen sink so she could rinse my mouth, I must of swished water around five times before she was satisfied. She sat my on our couch in the living room so she could analyze my face. “Oh this might be worse than I thought, it’s pretty deep. I’m going to call your grandmother so we can go see Dr. Monday.” Apparently when Linda landed on me, she forced my two front teeth into my bottom lip causing it to tear it open like a gutted fish. From sliding on the pavement the entire right side of my face was scraped open as well.
My mother cleaned me up and placed band-aids all over my face then sent my outside to sit on the porch and wait for my grandmother’s arrival. My cousin called me across the street to her porch and asked me was I ok. I told her my mom was taking me to the doctor. She was still in shock over what happened and was asking me too many questions to remember. Linda stayed next door to my cousin but she hadn’t come out of her house since the accident. She didn’t cut her hands; she didn’t shed blood at all just scraped off the top layer of skin. Her 16 year old sister was at the door and came out to see me. When she saw my face and lip she went to the door and screamed, “Linda what they hell did you to this little girl’s face?” I just looked at the ground silently.
My grandmother came not to long after and wanted to see the damage. I felt like an exhibit or oddity the way people kept inspecting me with their questions and puzzling faces. My grandmother agreed that I should go to the hospital to see what needed to be done. I remember sitting in the front seat and my feet dangling. I was so scared and anxious because I didn’t know what to expect. My grandmother and mom started to discuss the options for me. “It’s a really deep cut,” my mom said. “Yeah Shell she may have to get stitches,” my grandmother said. At the sound of the word “stitches” panic swept over me and I began bawling and screaming “I don’t wanna get stitches! I don’t wanna get stitches!” My mother tried to calm me down by saying it may not be as bad as they think but they wanted to make sure. I have been deathly afraid of needles since I can remember, even now as an adult I get antsy if I hear the word “shot” despite the fact that I have two tattoos and seven piercings.
When we got to the doctor’s office, which was right down the street from my grandmother, I was on edge. We only had to wait maybe five or ten minutes before I was called back, I think my mom called them in advance, so Dr. Monday could check my face. After a quick assessment Dr. Monday said I would indeed need to be stitched up, I froze with fear. She assured me that it would be okay and that they would give me an anesthetic so I wouldn’t feel anything. I could only whimper an “Okay.”
The nurse walked me down to a small room that had a row of chairs outside the door. This is where they made my mother sit; they told her she would be too upset seeing me get stitches. They let my grandmother come in the room with me so I would be more comfortable. I was laid on a small table and was told to relax, that everything would be fine. The nurse placed a thin sheet of paper over my face; it had a hole in the center which exposed my mouth. It was similar to a toilet seat cover but smaller and square shaped. Then the nurse placed a cold gel across my lip which numbed it so I wouldn’t feel any pain during the procedure. I remember it being bright white and hearing the voices of Dr. Monday, the nurse, and my grandmother as the doctor prepared her tools for the task. I was nervous and scared; I just wanted it to be over so I could go home. “Why is she breathing so hard?” asked the nurse. “Maybe it’s because she has this thing on her face,” my grandmother replied sarcastically.
Dr. Monday talked me through the entire process so that I would be afraid. I felt the coolness of the needle and the tickle of the thread going through my lip. It seemed like forever but it was really only 10 minutes. After three quick stitches I was on my way home.
During the following weeks I refused to leave the house. I wouldn’t go to the store with my mom; I wouldn’t go over my uncle’s or grandmother’s house. I went across the street to my cousin’s maybe a few times but she mostly came over to our house to play with me. My lip had swollen three times its normal size and my cheek was scratched up pretty bad. I can recall telling my cousin that I thought I was the ugliest girl in the world and I would never get a boyfriend. Can you imagine? Being worried about a boyfriend at 8 years old!
A month or so after I got the stitches, my cousin came over to play, I was standing in the mirror on our bathroom door looking at my face. I was tracing all the scabs on my cheek and lip. My lip was a mixture of flesh, scabs, puss, and thread and I started to pick at it. My cousin was freaking out telling my lip was going to come open and I would have to get my stitches redone. I just ignored her and shortly my scabs were gone and so where my stitches. I have a small scar on my lip to this day.
Be gentle! This is my 1st assignment of the year, it's a rough draft. It is a true story from my childhood. Tell me what you think.
I’ve never had surgery, I’ve never broken a bone in my entire 23 years of life, but, I have gotten stitches.
I was around 8 years old; it was a mild summer morning on my block in Detroit, MI. I remember not having school so I think it was the start of my summer break. I had few friends since my family moved a lot. My mom was in and out of jail, same crime different time and had a minor problem with drugs.
We went off down our block of large brick houses, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. We were near the end of the block when Linda ran over a something in the street; she panicked and immediately slammed on the brakes of her bike. It all happened in a blur, I remember flying for what seemed like forever, I stretched out my small arms to brace myself for the fast approaching concrete, suddenly there was a massive pressure on my back slamming me into the street and sliding me about a foot on my face. Linda had fallen off her bike and landed right on me causing the impact to be worst. As I laid there she scrambled to her feet and all I could hear was her screaming “My hands! My hands! I cut my hands!” Next thing I hear was Linda grabbing her bike and taking off down the street. My cousin ran to see if I was okay and help me to my feet. By this point my eyes are filled with hot tears as the pain of my accident hits me full force. It feels like my face is on fire as the mixture gravel and tears sting the wound on my cheeks and chin. She exclaims “Oh my God! Lyanna you’re bleeding!” she then takes her hand to catch the blood gushing from my mouth and walks me back down the street to my home. All the way she kept repeating, “Oh my God auntie Shell is gonna kill Linda! Your face is messed up!” I couldn’t see past my tears I could only focus on the pain, the salty taste of blood in my mouth and how I got blood on my favorite Lion King t-shirt.
When we got to my house, a two family flat, my cousin shouted up the stairs, “Auntie Shell, Auntie Shell! Lyanna got hurt! She’s bleeding!” My mom opened the door to our apartment and I will never forget the words she said, “Oh well, shit happens.” My cousin helped me climb our stairs and my mother sent her home. My mother took me to the kitchen sink so she could rinse my mouth, I must of swished water around five times before she was satisfied. She sat my on our couch in the living room so she could analyze my face. “Oh this might be worse than I thought, it’s pretty deep. I’m going to call your grandmother so we can go see Dr. Monday.” Apparently when Linda landed on me, she forced my two front teeth into my bottom lip causing it to tear it open like a gutted fish. From sliding on the pavement the entire right side of my face was scraped open as well.
My mother cleaned me up and placed band-aids all over my face then sent my outside to sit on the porch and wait for my grandmother’s arrival. My cousin called me across the street to her porch and asked me was I ok. I told her my mom was taking me to the doctor. She was still in shock over what happened and was asking me too many questions to remember. Linda stayed next door to my cousin but she hadn’t come out of her house since the accident. She didn’t cut her hands; she didn’t shed blood at all just scraped off the top layer of skin. Her 16 year old sister was at the door and came out to see me. When she saw my face and lip she went to the door and screamed, “Linda what they hell did you to this little girl’s face?” I just looked at the ground silently.
My grandmother came not to long after and wanted to see the damage. I felt like an exhibit or oddity the way people kept inspecting me with their questions and puzzling faces. My grandmother agreed that I should go to the hospital to see what needed to be done. I remember sitting in the front seat and my feet dangling. I was so scared and anxious because I didn’t know what to expect. My grandmother and mom started to discuss the options for me. “It’s a really deep cut,” my mom said. “Yeah Shell she may have to get stitches,” my grandmother said. At the sound of the word “stitches” panic swept over me and I began bawling and screaming “I don’t wanna get stitches! I don’t wanna get stitches!” My mother tried to calm me down by saying it may not be as bad as they think but they wanted to make sure. I have been deathly afraid of needles since I can remember, even now as an adult I get antsy if I hear the word “shot” despite the fact that I have two tattoos and seven piercings.
When we got to the doctor’s office, which was right down the street from my grandmother, I was on edge. We only had to wait maybe five or ten minutes before I was called back, I think my mom called them in advance, so Dr. Monday could check my face. After a quick assessment Dr. Monday said I would indeed need to be stitched up, I froze with fear. She assured me that it would be okay and that they would give me an anesthetic so I wouldn’t feel anything. I could only whimper an “Okay.”
The nurse walked me down to a small room that had a row of chairs outside the door. This is where they made my mother sit; they told her she would be too upset seeing me get stitches. They let my grandmother come in the room with me so I would be more comfortable. I was laid on a small table and was told to relax, that everything would be fine. The nurse placed a thin sheet of paper over my face; it had a hole in the center which exposed my mouth. It was similar to a toilet seat cover but smaller and square shaped. Then the nurse placed a cold gel across my lip which numbed it so I wouldn’t feel any pain during the procedure. I remember it being bright white and hearing the voices of Dr. Monday, the nurse, and my grandmother as the doctor prepared her tools for the task. I was nervous and scared; I just wanted it to be over so I could go home. “Why is she breathing so hard?” asked the nurse. “Maybe it’s because she has this thing on her face,” my grandmother replied sarcastically.
Dr. Monday talked me through the entire process so that I would be afraid. I felt the coolness of the needle and the tickle of the thread going through my lip. It seemed like forever but it was really only 10 minutes. After three quick stitches I was on my way home.
During the following weeks I refused to leave the house. I wouldn’t go to the store with my mom; I wouldn’t go over my uncle’s or grandmother’s house. I went across the street to my cousin’s maybe a few times but she mostly came over to our house to play with me. My lip had swollen three times its normal size and my cheek was scratched up pretty bad. I can recall telling my cousin that I thought I was the ugliest girl in the world and I would never get a boyfriend. Can you imagine? Being worried about a boyfriend at 8 years old!
A month or so after I got the stitches, my cousin came over to play, I was standing in the mirror on our bathroom
door looking at my face. I was tracing all the scabs on my cheek and lip. My lip was a mixture of flesh, scabs,
puss, and thread and I started to pick at it. My cousin was freaking out telling my lip was going to come open and
I would have to get my stitches redone. I just ignored her and shortly my scabs were gone and so where my
stitches. I have a small scar on my lip to this day.