So here's my recap of my third week in England:
Last weekend we got to go to two of the nightclubs here in Kingston. On Friday we went to Ama-gi (which we were mispronouncing until a nice Englishman corrected us!)Which had glow sticks and uv lights. It was a blast and we got to take a free shot out the ice luge! lol! The music was great but near the end some English guys got to frisky with a few of the girls and we left :(. On Saturday we went to Hippodrome in Kingston. This is the first time I stayed at a club from open to close! It was so much fun! The first 100 people were free so me and the girls got there early. It has 3 different rooms playing different music but we stayed in the main room since that's where they played more American music. I got to see some Englihmen who could really dance and who saved me from a creeper! It was so fun! We spent Sunday doing homework and feeding the Queen's Swans :)
On Monday I went to Stonehenge and the city of Bath. It was an amazing experience! Stonehenge is pretty cool but we were there for an hour which was more than enough time. But I did get some tasty ice cream while we were there at 10am! The city of Bath is were one of the world natural springs exist. It was cool to learn about how they were discovered and how the Romans knew how to use them and show the town. They still use the water but in a more sterile environment. The Roman baths haven't been used for years and the water is green and untreated.

Wednesday was a LONG day but I'm happy about it. We went to Parliament but we couldn't take pics inside. Our tour guide was a blast and kept us entertain. We got to see the House of Lords and he told us how they work which is crazy! He also told us some crazy trivia about the paintings and parts of the building. We also went to Greenwich which is the center of the world! So we got to see the Queens House (Queen Anne I believe) and got to go to the Prime Meridian and stand in both the East and West at once! Then we ended our day at the Globe theater 9created by Shakespeare) and go to see the comedy of Errors which was hilarious! It didn't even matter that we had to stand for a few hours especially since we were on the stage :P

This weekend is the last one here in England so me and a couple friends plan on making the best of it...and I'll get the last bit of homework done! :P
Next time my fourth and final week in England and final thoughts stay tuned...
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