I also go to go to Hampton Court Palace where Henry VIII lived along with the Tudors (which I still don't understand what that is) it was very cool to see where he lived with his six wives including Anne Boleyn mother of Elizabeth I. It was another large estate and had pretty amazing chimneys!
This country is full of history and it's crazy! I also feel like it was made for a shorty like me because everything is smaller here: the houses, streets, cars!
My classes are going ok also. My creative writing class is living up to it's name and our professor, Anna is making sure we have plenty of pieces when we go home. My brit culture class is fun because we go on a lot of trips and he tries to make it enjoyable. Going to Oxford this Wednesday!
I'm becoming more comfortable with the transportation system: the trains, the Tube and buses which is nice. I'll definitely miss that when I go back to the US!
We've also gotten lucky with the weather. NO RAIN! It's been really hot since we've been here which is okay because I didn't pack to well for rain!
ANOTHER THING: I don't think I've walked more in my life than here in England! That's all we do! I'm hoping to be in great shape by the time I return!
So so far so good. New friends, new experiences, oh and I am getting over a cold or Whooping cough I have no idea!
The Tudors is the royal line that started with Henry VIII and ended with Elizabeth I. Then came the Stuarts. I love the Tudors so if you're wondering about them, I can help explain