So my last blog post was a bit depressing sorry about that...if anyone read it. But I decided to make use of my tuition and I visited the counseling center today about my anger. I think it went well. My therapist wanted me to go through my life and experiences and talk about what was going on with me and I've never talked to someone with an unbiased opinion and you know what? It was really nice. I got to unload and say things I needed to say. So I scheduled two more appts. I'm looking forward to them because I feel as though I need this to help me with my heavy load and to distress and focus.
I had my community reporting class...not my favorite and I got back another "D" on an assignment...not happy. these are the worst grades of my college career! I have now idea what to do. The class is tough and it demands a lot of us and I just hope I don't burn out! I want to do better so I'm trying to get the best story I can for my first one. Hopefully I can bounce back...
So as soon as I feel a bit of relief another thing comes up. Dear God please help me because I'm nervous.
I need to get back on daily devotionals and pray that God pulls me through!
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