and more writing and more everything. I'm still trying to find my place so bear with me...
Thoughts of a Christian-Photojournalist In-training
February 2, 2015
Life Happens
and more writing and more everything. I'm still trying to find my place so bear with me...
July 23, 2012

Dimitris did apply for a job out of state so it will be a blessing if he gets it but also a major change for us and our families. Recently I've been really frustrated with how things are going and I believe it's connected to our time spent in church which has been basically none, between Dimitriis working, me working or serving in the church or going out of town I don't think we've sat and attended service for over a month and we are feeling it...things aren't in place as they should because we aren't giving the right time to God as we should. I've stop doing my devotionals, reading His word and in turn let the devil slip in and do his I need to get back on track with that and hopefully things will change for the better...
As for my project it's changed into a simpler idea but when you're on other people's time it put's you in a bind so I'm at the point of deciding if I should still be doing a project of if I should cancel it and hold off for a year or two. It sucks but the reality is it's nearing the end of July and I've been doing this project since March/April and the project should be done by September 1st (ideally since the show starts September 19). People I thought were "friends" and willing to give me just 5 minutes of their time are letting me down drastically and it hurts, annoys and frustrates me to no end. I'm left with a decision that I didn't think I would have to make because people always sound so supportive of me but when it comes to actually showing it I get nothing...makes you reevaluate the relationships in your life.
Work is increasing becoming a struggle which is a whole other battle I'm dealing with because I have to work two jobs to get enough money to help pay bills or do anything else...just tired of everything right now and how they're going.
April 10, 2012
Year of change and GREAT opportunities!
February 20, 2012
Life Changes

My husband is doing more comic work which he loves and I'm starting my Artprize project! I'm so excited! God is showing me some high favor for sure. I am learning a lot about other religions and about myself. I'm learning more about why I'm doing this project too. This is about inter-faith respect. Why can't we respect and love one another when it's a basic fundamental part of all religion? That's what I want to show, commonality among religions. I'm letting God guide me and show me what He wants me to see because this was His idea I'm just a vessel.
I'm also excited to announce that me and the hubby are trying to become parents! I'm overjoyed to start this step in our lives together. I know some may tell us to wait but what I don't get is why? What is it we're missing? We want to share our love with a little version of us. I always hear how much of a blessing a child is but the same people say wait because it changes everything. But isn't that what we want? Life changes that cause us to grow and become new. To experience more. I can't do that if I'm waiting. People who wait for everything end up doing nothing. I'm not just going to say what I want I'm going to do it.
Faith without action is nothing. I'm ready.
January 3, 2012
A poem that's a bit serious

New Year, new me
I'm ready for change. I have a few goals set that I want to commit to not only this year but every year forward.
1. I want to focus on my marriage.
2. I want to focus on God and my studies in Layman's Bible School.
3. I want to be more confident in my work (both writing and photography).
4. I want to work in a place that appreciates my hardwork and doesn't take advantage of me.
5. I want to spend more time enjoying life and the people that make me the happiest.
For this year and moving forward I'm challenging myself to not be negative but have an open mind with open understanding and love. It takes too much to be angry or resentful to others. I rather make the most of my time being there for others and being a blessing.
September 23, 2011
Lately I've been thinking a lot about my job and the experiences I've had and I'm thinking about writing a book about it. There are a lot of people that have had experiences in retail and customer service that are truly memorable or things that employees want to say but can't. I think it can be a good read and hopefully I get people to help out which shouldn't be a problem.