I recently applied for a few scholarships so I can get enough money to study abroad this summer. For on particular essay I got my creative juices flowing and came up with this:
The Positive Black Woman Scholarship Essay:
How will I benefit from this scholarship?
Life is full of experiences. Good, bad, unique. These experiences shape and mold us into the individuals we become. Experiences are what give people character and form our views on the world. Experience is life and life is experience.
In my life I have had the opportunity to experience a lot. I have been on television, the radio, and in the newspaper of my hometown Detroit, MI. I attended college and graduated in four years with a B.A. in photography. I recently started my own freelance photography business and I am currently working on my second B.A. in journalism.
I decided that I want to have a new experience; I would like to study abroad. In January, I was accepted into the study abroad program at Grand Valley. I am on my way to studying in the United Kingdom for six weeks this summer. This is where your scholarship comes in. The current cost to study abroad at Kingston University for the summer is $6,745. I have been blessed with $3,750 in financial aid but, as you can see, there is a small discrepancy. I am still in need of $3,000 for the program, in addition to expenses for extracurricular activities such as cuisine and weekend trips, further enriching my experience on this journey abroad.
I would benefit greatly from this scholarship, not matter what the amount. This scholarship is a stepping stone to my newest experience. Studying abroad is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. Although I did grow up in the best financial state, I have the desire to better myself and gain the most from my education as much as possible. With this scholarship I have the chance to learn about a country in that country, I will be one step closer to graduating with another degree coming closer to my goal to become a photojournalist.
I am a hardworking, self-motivated, empowered African American woman who wants to experience as much as I can while I can. I do not want to look back on my life and be disappointed that I never tried to reach my goals and desires. I want to say I traveled the world, I learned as much as I could make my brain take in, I have lived and experienced the best life has to offer. With your help, I can do these this. I can experience life.